Collin Interview

Written by: StoryMaster & Tramp

Interviewed: Collin

In the distance an Orca crests the water’s surface, Collin stands from his spot on the cliff, mesmerized by the magnificent creature he watches it as it turns toward him heading for the shore. Black and white dances in the water as it approaches the shoreline. Rubbing his eyes, Collin stares at the mist that flows out from the water’s edge. He doesn’t believe his eyes as the form of a female seems to rise from the water. Her skin pale, and her hair jet black. Seaweed covers her as she runs into the tree line, Being very curious Collin runs from his spot on the cliff down the beach to be met by the woman who now dressed in a long flowing white dress and her hair braided back. She stands not 5 feet in front of him, her lips part and she smiles.

Collin stood frozen awed by her beauty, mouth hanging open he couldn’t say a word. Barely blinking, she leaps forward checking him with her hands, looking for signs of problems. Finally she lifts her eyes to his flushed face, trying to hide her laughter as she steps back, “Hi!” She waves her fingers in the air.

He watches as she snaps her fingers a few times in front of his face, but her very warm slick with salt watered hands push my jaw closed suddenly snaps me out of whatever day-dream he was in or not in, “h-hi! I’m Collin. and you are?”

Leaning close she sniffs his chest, making him forget his questioning and a smug smile breaks out on his face. She pokes his arm, “What does it feel like to change?”

“Well,” deeply exhales. “I was certainly scared at first, I thought that I had exploded into a puffy static filled hairball of pain, and it’s still a little hard to get used to..” His large frame shutters from the memory, the female steps forward resting her hand on his forearm, rubbing soothing circles with her fingers.

She twirls around him a bit, Dancing. “Is it uncomfortable share your every thought?” Slyly touching his arms, and back as she turns about him. Leaning into him tiny hands on his chest whispering, “mon petite lobo.” Quarter turn cart-wheeling away from him, giggling softly.

He coughs suddenly trying to not over think her accent and breath as she whispered in his ear, picking up a few pieces of wood, “At times it does, but sometimes it can save your life.”

She never misses a step with Collin, dancing around him as he builds a fire on the beach. “Do you and your “Pack Brothers” always do things together?” She leans closely, curiosity evident in her eyes. “Are you like a family?”

He smiles watching her brush him softly, and the sly touches makes him very happy to be around her and answer anything, “Well we are a pack after all, but sometimes I like to do stuff alone. I consider them like my older brothers and sister.”

She stops staring into his eyes to gauge if he lies, “Any mate?” leaning in watching for a shift of eye movement or twitch can be detected.

“No, sadly.” He seems very depressed as though he were missing something very vital to his very being. Giggling. Letting him go back to his process of beginning the fire.

Staying close to his side, as he sits on the log in front of the fire. “Your very resourceful, You would be a prime candidate…” Chortling as she scoots closer to him. “Whats it feel like to Imprint for your kind?”

“I don’t know, I’ll tell you when and if it happens gorgeous.” He smiles smugly at her, pretending to yawn throwing his arm back and wrap his arm around her. Her cheeks heat up and turn a pink color. Loud calling or her sisters in the distance has her kissing Collin before running, leaping and transforming before she skims the water.

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